Friday, March 27, 2015

Track Swag

Hi everyone, I hope you've had an awesome week. Well I've got good news that I forgot to share with you. I joined the Track and Field team. I know it's so surprising, because if you know me you would know that I seriously hate running, like I wouldn't do it on my free time. Whatevs, I still joined track. I have to say it's pretty hard having to run so many laps and doing all this exercise. I guess I'll be in shape for basketball. The main reason why I'm doing track is because of basketball, my goal for ext year is to make to varsity, so I thought this would really help me. Since I've started track I've got the chance to met so many awesome people and coaches, so I'm going to talk about it a little bit more in detail.
Here's a picture of our gang that we've made. PC:Dill Pickle   
Since I've started track I got to get closer to Dillon and Dani and Maggie. They are such fun people to be around. They actually make track so much better and less painful. The funnest park of track is going to meets and racing and just hanging out with your peeps while waiting for races. While waiting for races seriously the only thing we do is just hang out and talk about our "Wanna be Bæs" It's a long story that might actually lead me to another post. Well I just wanted to share the news and how exited I am about it. Thank for reading, please leave suggestions on the comment section on what I could improve on. XOXO Francesca

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

What's To Come This Summer

Summer 2k15 is on its way!!! Yay!!! I'm seriously so pumped about it. This summer is going to be the best summer ever. Do you know why? Well it's because I intend in making it the best. Yes, I will make sure my friends and I have one of the greatest summer. I've decided that I'm going to try doing new things, such as going to Lagoon and going on rides, mainly because I'm terrified of roller coasters. Yes, you've found out my secret, I'm a total chicken ones it get to heights.

One of the biggest things that I'm planing on is going on a road trip with my friends. I mean doesn't that sound fun! My friends and I are planing on it so we'll make it happen. Another thing that's coming up this summer is that I'm going to California for the first time ever. I'm so exited for it. The main thing of this summer is that Pitch Perfect 2 is coming out!!!!! Yay!! *starts crying of joy and doing cartwheels* I seriously love that movie so much! I mean if it was legal to marry a movie that would be the movie that I would marry. No joke. I'm actually pretty exited about all the new songs that are coming out this summer. Oh but mainly hanging out with Darbi and getting Starbucks every single day, just like las summer. Well those are all the things I'm really exited about for this summer. Please comment below what you are exited for this summer. XOXO Francesca.

Please enjoy this sassy picture of Olaf enjoying summer. That is literally going to be me at the pool. lol. PC : Wallpaperserie

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Online Stores

Girls lets start by stating something obvious, we love shopping, we like looking around stores and looking at cute clothes and just trying it on. Seriously I think I have an obsession with shopping, and wearing clothes for the first time. I think that's one of the best feeling ever. Well this post is about awesome online stores that have the cutest clothes. Also I'm going to list some stores that are pretty cheap and still have cute clothes. So you should totally keep reading!

My number one all time favorite store is Pac Sun. This store has really cute clothes and it's actually not that expensive. I mean you can find anything from any price range, just like every store. From this store I really like their jeans, and how many different kinds they have. Buying online is really easy and fast.
Scream shot by me. LOL

The second store that has some pretty cute clothes is Forever 21. This store is full of different pattern shirt and pants. How great is that?! If I had to rate this store on scale of 1-5 I would probably give it a 4.25. Buying online in their website is supper easy and fast.

Creds to
Another pretty good store is American Eagle. Their clothes there is super cute and they have the cutest cardigans and dresses. One of the must check out stores. They website is really easy to underhand and easy to check out too.
Scream shot creeds to me..again. I should probably become a professional at this.
I hope you guys liked this post and please leave a comment of what you want me to write about next. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it! XOXO Francesca.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Best Songs Of 2k14

Hi everyone, so you know how seriously everyone is obsess with music? Well I've decided to write a post about the best songs that came out on 2k14 and why everyone is obsess with music. Just an FYI this is my opinion, so you guys should comment your favorites of 2k14. Okay, lets get started with the reason why everyone likes music so much. I personally think is because not only because of the catchy rhythm but also because everyone can relate with a song. Seriously everyone can relate with s song, and it's just a way for someone to express themselves with out having to do it. Now that's done let get to our list.

  1. Budapest. George Ezra
  2. All of me. John Legend
  3. Stay with me. Sam Smith
  4. I know I'm not the only one. Sam Smith
  5. Thinking out loud. Ed Sheeran
  6. Rude. Magic
  7. Money on my mind. Sam Smith
  8. Drunk in love. Beyonce
  9. Summer. Clavin Harris
  10. Don't. Ed Sheeran
  11. Am I wrong. Nico & Vinz
  12. Chandelier. Sia
  13. Do I wanna know. Arctic Monkeys
  14. Blame. Calvin Harris
  15. Uptown funk. Bruno Mars
So guys these are the songs that I can remember from the top of my head. OH, just so you know this songs aren't in order. Thank you so much for reading. XOXO Francesca.

Taylor Swift is perf, no matter what y'all haters say. 

Friday, March 20, 2015

Hacks Every Girl Should Know

Todays blog is about hacks everyone girl (or boy) should know about. Just in case you don't know what hacks are, they are "tricks" to make you life easier. I actually follow this page on Instagram that is just all about hacks. Seriously hacks are life!!! So I'll just make a list for you guys, lets get started.

  • For fast and easy beach waves, just divide your hair into four pieces and braid them, then with a flat iron go over them. Try putting some hair spray for better results. Let it cool for about five minutes, then take them out and you should have some beautiful beach waves. I seriously do this all the time, it's easy and fast. A must do for sure.

Here's a selfie with my AWESOME beach waves

  • One of my faves hacks of all time is chocolate chip muffin in a cup. Check out The Diva Dish for the recipe .
  • If you ever run out of eyeliner just grab a eyeliner brush and brush it over a mascara brush and you'll get instant eyeliner.
  • To have a lasting smell, apply perfumer inside wrist, inside elbow, under neck, behind ear, and behind your knees.
  • To not have smudges under your lower lashes put a piece of paper behind them and apply mascara. This will help obtain the perfect look.
  • Once your lipstick is done, you can just take out the remaining and put it in a spoon and met let and poor into little containers. Best way to get everything out of your product
There are probably so many more hacks that I haven't mention. If you guys have some good ideas for hacks please leave a comment below and tell me all about it. Thanks for reading! XOXO Francesca.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

20 Things Every Girl Thinks But Never Says

Last week I saw this video on Facebook (I know Facebook wow! Who uses that anymore) about what girls think about themselves, but never say it out loud. So this experiment started like this. Production asked this girls to write on a journal how they felt about themselves for a week. Then they got actresses to have a dialogue about what this girls said about themselves. As soon as the original girls that wrote the journals heard the dialogue they realize that it was really mean, and no one should ever say that about themselves. I'll post the video below.

This is the video

So now I'm going to make a list of the 20 things every girl thinks but never says.
  1. Ahhh I'm so fat!
  2. Why does my nose have to be so big
  3. My face is so round
  4. What the heck is wrong with you hair today
  5. Who told that girl that that outfit was cute. EWW
  6. Holy crap! My legs are so big!
  7. Why can't I be like her...
  8. Omg that girls hair is so greasy, does she not have a shower at home
  9. Eww I have so many pimples
  10. Why are you so stupid
  11. *Rolls eyes* She needs to grow up
  12. What a cry baby
  13. Does she know that the shirt she's wearing is see-through 
  14. She needs to shut up
  15. Stop talking to me you annoy me
  16. Who does she think she is
  17. Her face is so annoying
  18. I should probably go on a diet
  19. You're irrelevant
  20. I'm so done with everything 
All of this things are things that probably every girl has thought of but never said, I mean I have, I'll admit it. We all tend to have negative thoughts, but if we start adding one good thought to our day, we will soon be full of happiness and joy. XOXO, Francesca