Friday, September 19, 2014

Who Even is Francesca ?!

Greetings my name is Francesca Castellano!  I'm a fourteen year old 9th grader who wants to share her thoughts with you about the "perks" of being a teenage girl and how it is not so bad to be a teenager. Some things about me that I would like to share are that I'm really into softball, basketball, hanging with my friends, and trying to give my friends good advice that would help them find the right choice. My blog is going to be about tips on how to handle school, relationships and a guide to manage time in an effective way. This blog would pretty much just talk about anything about being a teenager and how with a positive mind you can make this years the best you've ever had. Hopefully together will be able to go into this journey and make the most of it.
Photo Creds to my grandma
This are my parents and I when I was little.

The picture above is me with my parents when we went to visit Peru during the summer of 2006. Well I was born in Italy and lived there for nine years, when I turned nine I moved to  Peru because my mom wanted my brothers and I to experience a new type of life. After when I turned ten we moved to the USA due to my dad's work being here. I'll have to admit that it was a pretty good experience but at the same time I kind off hated it. Seriously think of having to change school, friends, and language! You guys might think that it was so cool to live in all of this places but it actually wasn't. First of all having to learn a new language every single time we moved was the hardest thing ever but if you look at it in a positive way I got to learn new languages which makes me trilingual. When we moved we also had to change school which totally sucked, because I'm a really shy person and it's sooooo hard for me to make new friends. 

Some interesting things about me (well, not that interesting) are that I have two brothers an older one which all my friends think he's so "hot" and a younger one who's so "cute" ad people say, they probably just say that because they don't have to live with them. But here's a picture of us. 
Photo Creds to my mom.
A picture of my brothers and I.

If you read this whole thing I'm so sorry cause all of it was fake.......Nah just kidding it's all true. I feel so sorry for you cause right now you just read about 500 words. Well fellows this is the end of my first about me post. Have a great day and remember to stay safe!