Saturday, January 3, 2015

My Guilty Pleasures

Hey guys! Today I'm gonna talk about me, because there is no better subject then me. No just kidding I just wanted you, readers, to know a little bit more about me and what I like. So I'm gonna give you guys my thirty guilty pleasure. If you don't know what that is, it's literally just a list of thing I like and things I like to do. Lets get started.

1. Gossip Girl
2. Harry Potter
3. 90210
4. Shopping
5. Basketball
6. Softball
7. Chocolate
8. Caramel
9. Whip cream
10. Netflix
11. Mr.Parker (Extra credit?)
12. Hot chocolate
13. Blankets
14. Snow
15. Soft things
Here's a picture of my old softball team. Photo creeds to Jeanette Madallena Hernandez (Salina's mom)

16. The smoothness of after shaving
17. My friends
18. Water
19. Doing my makeup
20. Ramen soup
21. Doing my hair
22. Sweatshirts
23. Ella
24. Sweatpants
25. Red lipstick
26. Shoes
27. Cake
28. Maggie
29. Nail polish
30. Green
31.Nick Davis

So guys this is my list of guilty pleasures. I really hope we had some things in common! And that you enjoyed this post. TBH there are so many other things that I really like but I wouldn't want to bore you to death so I'm just gonna finish it at that. Hope you guys have a great day. Xoxo, Francesca