Sunday, May 10, 2015


If you guys are thinking that this post is about dinosaurs and Pangea you are wrong. Sorry to break the news, but it is not about that. That would be really weird if it was, who blogs about that in a totally girly blog. Okay whatever. This post is actually about how I've changed since I first started blogging, and since I started my freshman year.

In the academic view I feel like I've improve a lot on my writing and expressing myself. When Mr.Parker first told us that we were going to start blogging for the rest of the year I was sooooo mad. I couldn't believe it, specially because I have no creativity in writing any sort of story or blog. I couldn't even write on my journal, because I always thought that everything I wrote was stupid and immature. But thanks to this blog I've started to become more comfortable with my writing. In my other academics I learned more than the previous years. I even took AP Human Geography, which I have the AP test for this friday. I managed to stay in Honor Roll and in NJHS. I even took yearbook as an extra class after school. So I think from the academical side I've definitely improved from how I started.

Now, looking at the personal side I've definitely grown as a person. I'm not the quite it shy girl that never spoke for herself because she was scared of what other people had to say about me. Now I say what I think and when I don't like something I will defenetly go up to the person and say hey I didn't like what you said/did. So I'm pretty happy about that. I've also made so many more friends this year that have helped me developed into a better version of me. So shout out to all my peeps out there.

Shout out to Mr.Parker for helping me find my voice through this assigment. From time to time it was difficult, but I'm really glad I got to have the experience of having my own blog. I've might of not become blog famous but at least I've grown as a person thanks to this blog. XOXO, Francesca
Thanks Babe for this pic

Why School Actually Isn't So Bad

You probably just read the title and were like "OMG WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER!!" or "Wow she must be one of those losers that actually likes school, psh pathetic." Well I've got to tell you a secret. I secretly do like school....seriously, I do. I mean it's not my favorite place to be in but it's not that bad as people make it seem. I guess there are bad parts to it; like homework, mean teachers, etc. But tbh how would you learn the topic if you don't do homework? Who would you learn from if there weren't teachers? You see high school is not such a bad place. I consider it a really fun place, where you can literally be as awkward as you want an you know that it is okay, because there are other people in the school that are as awkward as you are!

Here's a picture of me and other kids in my school when we won the science fair
Photo creds Mr.T

At school you can literally be anyone you want. You can be the awkward kid, the nerd, the dancer, the swimmer, the skater, the weird kid, the shy kid, the pretty much what ever you want to be kid. Yea, I guess there are down side to that, like bullying or being left out. But in my case, I've always been in really good school, where there has been no bullying. I remember being bullied once, but literally that was the one and only time. And if you are ever being bullied just tell someone, the bullies should not be the reason why you hate school, because there is so much more in school then just bullies. Now that we've covered the whole friend thing and school as a place where you can hang out with your friends let cover the educational part of it. School is not only a place of entertainment but also a place of educational fun, where you can choose what you want to learn. Literally it's not like the teachers make you learn the subject. You get to choose if you want to learn or not, it's up to you. School is not a place where you're supposed to feel like you are going to hell every day, it should be a place where you can grow as a person and as an individual. Here's an article about school, it's really interesting, you guys should read it, click here. I hope I influence your opinion about school. XOXO, Francesca

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Sibling Love

Giacomo and I
PC Mom
Siblings are the most important thing in the world. Nah that is way too cheesy, parents are actually the most important thing in the world tbh. But my brothers are the second more important thing in the world. Specially my older brother Giacomo, he's my role model. They say that brothers and sisters aren't always that close since they are different gender. In my case it's totally different, I mean not just only because I have no sisters, just brothers, but it is because I have been blessed with such a wonderful brother. He's the best friend that I have always wished for.  He's kind loyal, understanding, annoying, good listener, joker, and many more qualities that are unique to him.

 In the last couple of years I feel like our relationship has strengthen and developed into more or a friendship. I've been able to tell him everything. Literally everything. I've started to talk to him about my friendship problems, boy drama, family drama and other kinds of stuff. He has helped me so much with everything. I owe him a big one. I will always remember those talks that we've had in the morning where you will always just listen to my drama and give me the best advice. Please don't think that we're like the perfect siblings, because when we fight, we fight. I mean sometimes even fist fight but he obviously always lets me win. And when we get to verbal fight, those are rough, believe me. But like the gentle man that he is, he always says sorry first, no matter what. I'm so grateful to have such an awesome and admirable brother, I will always be proud of him. I have no idea what I'm going to do when he leaves on a mission. I will miss him so much. If you ever see him around or get the chance to meet him you should totally go up to him and say him, because he's the most friendly person ever.  XOXO, Francesca

Monday, May 4, 2015

H is for Harry Potter

The movie Harry Potter in my book is define as one of the best movies of all time. Like seriously Rowling (the author) is a genius. How does someone just come up with such brilliant books. You've got to have such a big imagination and kind off a dark mind.If you've never seen the movie or read the books you are seriously missing out on life, I'm not kidding. So the book/movie is about a young boy whose parents were killed by Voldemort (the evil guy) but before the mom died she put a spell on Harry. Oh btw they're all wizards. Okay so the spell that the mom put on Harry that connects his with the bad guy. SO Harry has to go through all this journey to find a way to kill Voldemort. It's a really interesting plot and story, I would for sure recommended it to anyone, but just keep in mid that it is a tiny little bit scary for younger kids.

The one reason why I totally love Harry Potter is because it's kind off my family tradition to watch Harry Potter together. Ever since the first movie came out my family, specially my mom have been obsess with it. We used to have Harry Potter marathons in which my whole family would watch every single movie on a weekend. I still remember the times my family and I would go out to the movie theater to watch the premier of every movie. One time I remember for my mom's birthday we got her the last Harry Potter book and soon after we went back to Peru and we all saw the movie together. For those reasons I believe that Harry Potter is the creates movie/book ever made. Please enjoy the picture of bæ and I when we when't to Horwards.

Can we take a moment to appreciate how cute we look. Like seriously!
Oh PC to my photoshopping skills.