Monday, February 16, 2015

Cool Blogs

Hi guys! So today I've been stalking other peoples blogs, and I've found some pretty good ones. So I'm going to share them with you, and you can go check them out. I'll give you blogs for what ever you're looking for, so like sports, entertainment, food, and just funny ones that I find really entertaining. These blogs are seriously my favs and I think everyone should go check them up after you guys are bored reading my blog.

One of my all time favorite blogs is Ella's. Her blog is just one of the greatest things of all time. She talks about "Stupid Things" as she calls it. In her blog you will find so many things that will just make you smile and laugh. All of her post are well written and easy to understand. Her blog is one of those blogs that you know it'll cheer you up.

Pic of her front page, just so you know you're on the right place

A good blog for tips on health and nutrition is Ali's blog. This blog is just about food. How great is that?! Her blog is BÆ, I'm not even kidding. She posts the most amazing recipes and pictures, if I might add. If you ever are in that mood of wanting to eat something but not knowing what, you should totally go check her out. 
Pic of Ali's blog

You know that feeling that you get of wanting to do something. Like no matter what, even if it is just making a face mask or anything? Well I've found the perfect blog for you. The owner of this blog is Kelley one of my closest friend too. Oh if you want to learn something about our friendship you should go check my previous post. Okay I just got sidetracked. Well back to her blog. Her blog is literally all about DIY (Do it yourself.) You can find so many inspiring things from there that will just motivate you to do more DIYs.
Kell's Blog

So yea, those are probably my go to blogs, but you can totally go find more from the blogs I have on my side bar as my favs. Please go check them out, and leave a comment for ideas for my next post. XOXO, Francesca

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Friends Are Cool

Hello everyone, I've decided that I seriously have the coolest and greatest friends ever. I mean you know how they say friends are like a four leaf clover, hard to find but lucky to have. Well, that's actually not true, I mean the hard to find part, because I've actually found so many great friends, so Id not think they're that hard to find. You just have to look in the right places. So this post is all about my friends,. You could call it a friends appreciation post.

So lets start with one of the closest friend I have. Her name is Salina Ochoa, she's probably one of the nicest and sweetest person that you'll ever meet. Not to mention that she is hilarious! Seriously, if you ever feel sad you can just go to her and she'll just make you laugh. You could say that she's one of those people that you could count on for anything. We met in 6th grade at basketball, and we first weren't that good of friends, because I literally did talk to anyone, because I was sooooo shy. But then in 7th grade we had math together, and that's when we started talking and becoming good friends, and later on in the day we found out that we had english together too, so that was the best thing ever. After that we both decided to play softball together too. So you could say we're sports friends. She's kind off like the sister I never had, I could probably go on and on talking to her and we would never run out of stuff to talk about.

Here are pictures of her and I. Photo Creds to me.
Another good friend that I have is Kelley Hennessy. She is such a good friend. She's one of people that will make sure you don't get left out no matter what. Her personality is the best thing ever. You will never get bored being around her. I have so many good memories with her and hope to make so many more. Everyone should get to know her because she's just such a good person.

The picture in the left is from like 3 years ago, please ignore our faces

Another close friends that I have is Siana and Darbi. I decided to do both of them together because they are much a like! Seriously it's crazy. So Siana is one of the weirdest funniest person you'll ever meet. Darbi is pretty funny when she wants to and a really good friend.
So the one laying is Siana and the little hand  is Darbi. I seriously don't know what we were doing.

One of my friends that made this post is Regina. She's supper nice and funny. She'll just come with the most random things ever, that you just stay there and just look at her like what? and then just start laughing. She's one of the kindness person ever.

Picture of Regina and I. PC: Regina's mom

I think this is my top 5 friends. I'm really sorry if I didn't mention everyone. Still love ya people. That's it for this post, see ya guys. Thanks for reading.