Thursday, October 23, 2014

You Are What You Dress Like

Thank you Quozio for this quote
Fashion is a big part of ourselves, is the way we express, it's what defines us. Ever since we were little we've all played dressed up. Come one guys let's admit it we've all dress as things we've wanted to be. Even now that we're older we still play dress up, isn't that what Halloween is all about? Dressing up as someone else and not being your self for one night. Fashion is what distinguishes as from other people, Someone by just looking at what you wear can determine your personality.

When you first meet someone the first thing you see is how they dress, by just looking at that you can tell a lot about that person. It's kind of like when people say that the first impression is what a person always remember, so you don't want to be remember by the messy person that didn't care about their appearance. Guys seriously, let's be honest most people that don't know you judge you because of you fashion. So how about you take a moment in the morning to actually care about what you look like.

I feel like there are five types of girl styles at school:
*The classic
*The hipster
*The girls that think that they can still wear cloth from Justice
*The over the top girls

*The girls that dress like their going to a night club

Creds to Vuible
All this different type of styles are how a girl express her self. Most of the times girls don't know how to express themselves so they just do it with cloth. You'll always want to be know as the girl that had a good sense of style and like to express herself by what she wore. Just one tip girls, when you choose your outfits please remember to choose ones that are modest and show that you respect your body, because you don't want to be known as the girl that dresses like a prostitute. Girls remember that real men will always be attracted to the girl that know how to respect themselves. This is it for this post lovelies, stay safe and true to yourselves. Xoxo

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