Saturday, December 27, 2014

Mistakes, Mistakes and More Mistakes

Mistakes, according to Merriam-Wesbter the work mistakes means to make a wrong judgement about something. Mistakes are a normal thing in humans. I mean if we didn't make mistakes then we would be robots. Mistakes are what make a person. With out mistakes we wouldn't have the opportunity to experience different kinds of emotions that we sometimes wish we never felt but at the same time we're glad we felt them. If we didn't make mistakes we wouldn't be able to learn more about life and experience it at its fullest.

The wisest thing that my mom has ever told me was that a life with out mistakes it's a life not worth living in. I feel like what she was trying to tell me is that we all have our ups and downs, and a life with no ups and downs it's a boring life. So if you guys had to take anything away from this post I really hope it's my mom's advice cause she's a pro, and it's always better to learn from someone that has already experience those kinds of mistakes. So you just have to learn from them with out doing those mistakes, instead just learn from other peoples mistakes.

I'm not encouraging you guys to go out and be wild and start doing all this sort of mistakes, but what I'm trying to say is that it's ok to make mistakes, but you just have to learn from them. Also that we should do stupid mistakes like using salt instead of sugar on a cake (been there, done that) instead of doing all this crazy stupid mistakes. Probably like doing drugs or failing all your classes. Those kinds of mistakes are a big no-no. So be wise about the kinds of mistakes you do. I'll leave you guys in a happier note so just watch the video below about Hannah Montana. Bye guys, have a great New Years. 

Vide courtesy of HannahMontanaVevo

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