Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Moving Day

Thank You Whmoving for the pic
In our life we all get the opportunity to move to a new city, state, or even country. This post is going to be about how to deal with moving and the changes that it brings to your life. As I've said in my first post I've moved consistently from one country to another country. This has been due to my dad's job. So you could say I'm an expert at this. Every time I've moved it didn't just mean that I just went to a different country that was similar as the one I was living in. I wish it was like that. When I moved it also mean that I had to learn a different language and different traditions. At first it was so hard for me to get used to new places but as time passed I just got used to it and actually learned to enjoy it.

We all know that felling when your parents tell you that you're gonna move. It's a felling of sadness but also happiness, because it means that it's a new beginning. When I moved I always hated it! Like literally I would cry to my parents so we wouldn't move. But you know that never worked. God I need to work on my acting skills. Ok but whatever, lets get back to the point. The idea of moving it's really hard and sad, but I'm going to give you some tips that really helped me.

Courtesy of Ellerealty
The first tip that I would give you is to not panic! It's ok you're just moving nothing is wrong. Second, when you start to pack your things start by packing your most valuable things and then the rest. Oh yea but don't forget to NOT pack what you're gonna wear until moving day. Oh yea btw if you guys need a webpage to buy luggage you should visit Macy's they have some cute bags. Third don't tell anyone you're moving until your last day of school, it's better that way. You avoid the drama and all the oh I'm gonna miss you and all of that. You know what I mean. It's also better because you don't have people consistently reminding you that you're moving. Fourth, leave your friends a good bye note and thank them for their friendship and all that they've done for you. Fifth and last, don't look at all the things your loosing but instead look at all the friends you've made and all the great things you're gonna discover next.

It might be hard at first but everything gets better and your life doesn't end because you move. Sure you loose some friends but seriously moving it's great because it's a brand new chapter of your life that you get to write.

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