Sunday, December 14, 2014

One of a Kind

Since we were born we've always been different from other people. We weren't  just different because of our physical appearance, but also for who we were. Just picture this, there is a little girl running around the house in her princess costume, not carrying about what people might think about her. Wait, here's the plot twist, chasing that little girl is a mean pirate that wants to kidnap her and take her to his far away land. You see that little girl? That was you, yes you!

Guys can I just say I love Pineterest they have
some great pics just like this one
As we start to grow we go through different stages of our life but we must never forget who we are. We always blame society for changing who we are or what we do. Come one we all want to fit in so we start to change ourselves so other people will like us. We start to change what we wear, how we talk, and even our personality. But come on lets be ones, we do this to ourselves, it's not like society is pointing a gun to our heads telling us to change who we are. The biggest mistake we make is actually from my point of perspective is we blame society, but honestly who is society? Well society is every single one of us, so we bring this upon ourselves.

The one big thing we must never do, seriously this is in the big book of no-nos is to change who we are. We were made a certain way for a reason, and we must never change that. After all if you change yourself, what do you have left? Nothing, nothing at all, because once you loose yourself it's really hard to get your old self back. We need to start to embrace our flaws and imperfections, because those are what make us different from everyone else. Without them we wouldn't be ourself. So guys I just want you to know that you're one of a kind.

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