Saturday, December 27, 2014

Mistakes, Mistakes and More Mistakes

Mistakes, according to Merriam-Wesbter the work mistakes means to make a wrong judgement about something. Mistakes are a normal thing in humans. I mean if we didn't make mistakes then we would be robots. Mistakes are what make a person. With out mistakes we wouldn't have the opportunity to experience different kinds of emotions that we sometimes wish we never felt but at the same time we're glad we felt them. If we didn't make mistakes we wouldn't be able to learn more about life and experience it at its fullest.

The wisest thing that my mom has ever told me was that a life with out mistakes it's a life not worth living in. I feel like what she was trying to tell me is that we all have our ups and downs, and a life with no ups and downs it's a boring life. So if you guys had to take anything away from this post I really hope it's my mom's advice cause she's a pro, and it's always better to learn from someone that has already experience those kinds of mistakes. So you just have to learn from them with out doing those mistakes, instead just learn from other peoples mistakes.

I'm not encouraging you guys to go out and be wild and start doing all this sort of mistakes, but what I'm trying to say is that it's ok to make mistakes, but you just have to learn from them. Also that we should do stupid mistakes like using salt instead of sugar on a cake (been there, done that) instead of doing all this crazy stupid mistakes. Probably like doing drugs or failing all your classes. Those kinds of mistakes are a big no-no. So be wise about the kinds of mistakes you do. I'll leave you guys in a happier note so just watch the video below about Hannah Montana. Bye guys, have a great New Years. 

Vide courtesy of HannahMontanaVevo

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Five Mood Five Movies

Hey Guys! So I've decided that I'm going to write a post about ideas for movies when you're experiencing different kinds of moods. I know I've been posting post that are pretty deep. Lol jk. I just wanted to mix it up a little bit and write about something more fun and less serious. So I'm going to be giving you ideas on what movies to watch when you're experiencing different kinds of moods.

Movie: Olympus Has Fallen
Thanks IMDb for the pic.

Olympus Has Fallen, this movie is sooo good! Seriously guys this is a must watch. This movie is about how the White House gets attacked in the middle of the day and this people take the president hostage. But the most thrilling part is that the president's kid is still in the White House and they can't find him so they send special forces in the building to find the president and his kid. Will they be able to come out of the White House alive? I guess you'll have to find out by your self.

Mood: Humorous 
Movie: Mr. Deeds
Pic provided by IMDb
Mr. Deeds it's one of the funniest movies, not just because it has my favorite actor in it, Adam Sandler, But also because it's just really funny. Mr. Deeds it's a comedy about a guy that lived in a small town that then inherited a fortune and a business. He then moves to the city to take care of this business. In his journey he meets lots of people and does things his way.

Mood: Upset
Movie: A Little Bit of Heaven
Thanks IMDb for the pic.
This movie it's probably one of the saddest movie you'll ever watch, like literally I'm not even kidding. The movie it's about this women that takes life for granted until something unexpected happens to her that changes her life and her doctors life. Seriously guys you won't even believe the end. I think it's even more sad then The Fault in Our Stars. You must watch it.

Mood: Daring
Movie: House at the End of the Street
Creds to IMDb....again
This movie at least for me was kind of scary. Mainly because I don't watch scary movies and I'm just horrified by them. Don't judge. Okay, so this movie is about a girl that moves into a house to live with her mom, but then she hears that there were accidents in the house at the end of the street. She starts hanging out with the only person that survived one of the accidents, but then she finds more suspicious stuff.

Mood: Lovable
Movie: Safe Heaven
Pic creeds goes out to IMDb
This movie is one of the cutest movies I've seen in a while. The movie is about this young girl that is escaping from her husband because he's a psycho and she ends up in this little town. She then meets this really attractive guy and they start to have a "thing" if you know what I mean ;) Then her husband comes to find her and lots of trouble comes up. You really have to watch this one, it's just fab.

So guys here's a little bonus that I think everyone should watch because it's just so fabulous and it's just perfect. I'm talking about *drum rolls* Gossip Girl. Omg can we just take a minute to appreciate how marvelous that show is?! Like seriously if you've never watched it or heard of it then you're pretty much living under a rock. Everyone please watch Gossip Girl, you won't be disappointed. I promise. 

Okay guys so this is the end of this little list I made for you, I hope you liked it!
P.s. You can find this movies on Netlix!
P.p.s You guys should watch Harry Potter, cause is one of my favs.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

One of a Kind

Since we were born we've always been different from other people. We weren't  just different because of our physical appearance, but also for who we were. Just picture this, there is a little girl running around the house in her princess costume, not carrying about what people might think about her. Wait, here's the plot twist, chasing that little girl is a mean pirate that wants to kidnap her and take her to his far away land. You see that little girl? That was you, yes you!

Guys can I just say I love Pineterest they have
some great pics just like this one
As we start to grow we go through different stages of our life but we must never forget who we are. We always blame society for changing who we are or what we do. Come one we all want to fit in so we start to change ourselves so other people will like us. We start to change what we wear, how we talk, and even our personality. But come on lets be ones, we do this to ourselves, it's not like society is pointing a gun to our heads telling us to change who we are. The biggest mistake we make is actually from my point of perspective is we blame society, but honestly who is society? Well society is every single one of us, so we bring this upon ourselves.

The one big thing we must never do, seriously this is in the big book of no-nos is to change who we are. We were made a certain way for a reason, and we must never change that. After all if you change yourself, what do you have left? Nothing, nothing at all, because once you loose yourself it's really hard to get your old self back. We need to start to embrace our flaws and imperfections, because those are what make us different from everyone else. Without them we wouldn't be ourself. So guys I just want you to know that you're one of a kind.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Moving Day

Thank You Whmoving for the pic
In our life we all get the opportunity to move to a new city, state, or even country. This post is going to be about how to deal with moving and the changes that it brings to your life. As I've said in my first post I've moved consistently from one country to another country. This has been due to my dad's job. So you could say I'm an expert at this. Every time I've moved it didn't just mean that I just went to a different country that was similar as the one I was living in. I wish it was like that. When I moved it also mean that I had to learn a different language and different traditions. At first it was so hard for me to get used to new places but as time passed I just got used to it and actually learned to enjoy it.

We all know that felling when your parents tell you that you're gonna move. It's a felling of sadness but also happiness, because it means that it's a new beginning. When I moved I always hated it! Like literally I would cry to my parents so we wouldn't move. But you know that never worked. God I need to work on my acting skills. Ok but whatever, lets get back to the point. The idea of moving it's really hard and sad, but I'm going to give you some tips that really helped me.

Courtesy of Ellerealty
The first tip that I would give you is to not panic! It's ok you're just moving nothing is wrong. Second, when you start to pack your things start by packing your most valuable things and then the rest. Oh yea but don't forget to NOT pack what you're gonna wear until moving day. Oh yea btw if you guys need a webpage to buy luggage you should visit Macy's they have some cute bags. Third don't tell anyone you're moving until your last day of school, it's better that way. You avoid the drama and all the oh I'm gonna miss you and all of that. You know what I mean. It's also better because you don't have people consistently reminding you that you're moving. Fourth, leave your friends a good bye note and thank them for their friendship and all that they've done for you. Fifth and last, don't look at all the things your loosing but instead look at all the friends you've made and all the great things you're gonna discover next.

It might be hard at first but everything gets better and your life doesn't end because you move. Sure you loose some friends but seriously moving it's great because it's a brand new chapter of your life that you get to write.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Who Plays sports? Girls Play Sports!

Guys I have some exiting news.....I made the basketball team!!!! Yay!!!! I'm so exited, I can't wait to start playing and start learning new skills. Oh yea an of course meeting new fellow basketball lovers. Wow that sentence sounded a lot cooler in my head. OOPS. Okay so lets get back to the point of this post. This post is going to be about sports and school and also how girls aren't that bad at sports.

Here's a picture of Park City Girls Basketball Team 2k14-2k15 (btw I'm number 14)
Please excuse the Walsh Photographic Design symbol in the middle.
Special thanks to Walsh Photography 

First of all let's start with talking about how sports actually help you with school. Like tbh basketball is the best thing that has happen to my grades. Since I've started basketball I felt like I had to be more responsible, so I've been turning homework in earlier. So after all sports don't really interfere with school, because it actually makes you more responsible.

Secondly, seriously who said boys are better than girls at playing sports?! Because that's totally true....LOL. No like seriously us girls are never gonna be able to compare ourselves with boys, because their body is built in a different way then ours. But here's the thing, that should never stop you from wanting to become better and giving your best at what ever sport you play. Just because you can't be better then boys it doesn't mean you can't be better then other girls. So actually girls usually have the tendency of being better then boys at other things so why should you care if you can't be better then a boy at a sport when you can beat him at 100 other things. Guys, in my opinion girls can play what ever sport they want. There is this girl at my school that plays football and she's probably 10x better then the other guys playing in that field. So what I'm trying to get here is that we shouldn't let our sex stop us from playing what we want to play.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

You Are What You Dress Like

Thank you Quozio for this quote
Fashion is a big part of ourselves, is the way we express, it's what defines us. Ever since we were little we've all played dressed up. Come one guys let's admit it we've all dress as things we've wanted to be. Even now that we're older we still play dress up, isn't that what Halloween is all about? Dressing up as someone else and not being your self for one night. Fashion is what distinguishes as from other people, Someone by just looking at what you wear can determine your personality.

When you first meet someone the first thing you see is how they dress, by just looking at that you can tell a lot about that person. It's kind of like when people say that the first impression is what a person always remember, so you don't want to be remember by the messy person that didn't care about their appearance. Guys seriously, let's be honest most people that don't know you judge you because of you fashion. So how about you take a moment in the morning to actually care about what you look like.

I feel like there are five types of girl styles at school:
*The classic
*The hipster
*The girls that think that they can still wear cloth from Justice
*The over the top girls

*The girls that dress like their going to a night club

Creds to Vuible
All this different type of styles are how a girl express her self. Most of the times girls don't know how to express themselves so they just do it with cloth. You'll always want to be know as the girl that had a good sense of style and like to express herself by what she wore. Just one tip girls, when you choose your outfits please remember to choose ones that are modest and show that you respect your body, because you don't want to be known as the girl that dresses like a prostitute. Girls remember that real men will always be attracted to the girl that know how to respect themselves. This is it for this post lovelies, stay safe and true to yourselves. Xoxo

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Is Popularity That Big of a Deal?

Since the beginning of the Earth there has always been a thing called popularity. Merriam-Webster defines it as "A state of being liked, enjoyed, accepted, or done by a large number of people." There has been many examples of popularism since the beginning of Earth starting with Jesus, believe it or not he was a popular men, you can go anywhere and ask people if they know who Jesus is and they will probably know who he is. In my opinion the definition of popularity is someone that is liked by everyone and hated by everyone at the same time. Let's be honest, we all have that one girl in our grade that is the prettiest, the most athletic, and the girl that everyone knows about and that people try to be like. This "It" girls are actually the people that get most hate one, specially because everyone is jealous of.

Everyone wants to be the popular girl that everyone looks put to and the girl that every guy likes. I mean I would LOVE for people to look up to me and having everyone liked me, but TBH is not like that. We weren't all meant to "Fit in" to the standards of the "populars" Just like Doctor Sues said "Why fit in when you were born to stand out." Like guys seriously to fit in you don't have to meat everyones standard, you just have to be yourself.
Creds to Inspiration

Popular girls don't have it as easy as people think they do. When you're popular it's true that you have tons of friends, but at the same time not all of those "friends" are real. Most of the time people would just act like their friends with someone just so they can join the popular group. I have a friend that one day just came up to me and a group of friends and told us that she didn't care about anything, that the only thing she cared about was being popular. I literally took her to a side and told her that that was the stupidest thing she ever said and that she was wayyy better than, and then she understood that I was just saying that for her own good. After that happened she really did stop trying so hard and just started to be herself. She now is pretty popular and doesn't care that much about popularity, because she realized that if she got where she was, was because she just acted like herself.

Popularity really shouldn't be a big part of you life, because popularity does not give you good grades or give you a better future. This might sound cheesy (well, it probably is) but once you're out of high school what's left? You're popularity or your grades? Will popularity get you to a good college? Do you think that in your college transcripts there is gonna be a line telling the college that you were popular? Yeah, that's what I thought. Just because you're popular it does not guaranty a better future. 

From left to right: Sedona, Sunny, Alyssa, Regina, Kelley, Riley, Max, me, Siana, Valerie.
Photo creds to Shophie Moffat

So guys you really shouldn't be that worry about popularity because you might have a small group friends and maybe you are the popular girl in your group of friends. At least you know that the friends you have are real friends and not fake ones. Well there was one thing that you get put of this blog, I really hope that is that you don't need to try to be someone else, you just have to be yourself. If people don't like who you truly are then they can just suck it up and deal with it, because you should never change for someone else. Guys this is all I have so I guess I'll see you later alligator ;) 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

How to Deal With School

Most of the time we think of school as the most boring place ever, we pretty much think of it as jail.  Having to wake up every morning at about 5:30-6:00 am to get ready it's the most stressful part of the day. This is due because we teenagers HATE waking up early which is due to the fact that we are lazy. Not wanting to wake up that early in the morning is also caused by teachers by giving us wayyy too much homework that keeps us up until 2 am. Like brah if you want us to succeed in school don't give us too much homework, our brains can't work if we are tired!

Some DO'S to help you to deal with school are:

1. Do your homework in advance
2. Try to keep a planer so you can write all of the homework that you have to do
3. Be organized, well as best as you can
4. Check your grades as often as possible so you can know what class you have to improve on
5. Do all the extra credit that you can

Here are some DON'TS:

1. Don't be late to class
2. Don't procrastinate
3. Don't txt in class (unless the class is extremely boring and you're falling asleep)
4.Try to not skip class
5. Don't make any drama, serially no one likes people that make drama

                                                 Video courtesy of Rclbeauty101

So there you have a short list of DO'S and DON'TS for school and a video. Personally I think the biggest one of all advice to deal with school is to use social media in a productive way. By that I mean instead of using your computer for Instagram, Twitter, games etc. Try to use it in the most effective way by looking up stuff for your school homework and not getting side tracked by other websites.

But most important of all don't stress!! Take a deep breath and then let it out.
Photo creds to my aunt
So here's a picture of me stressing about HW, don't do that. I'm such a bad example lol.

The most effective way to have a good school year is to not make any drama/rumors and don't be involved in any of them. Seriously guys like what do you want to be known for, the girl that knew how to respect her self of like the girl that every guy had. Yeah, probably the first on, so if you don't want to be the second one then respect yourself. Guys sometimes you just have to listen Gretchen to stay out of trouble.

Photo courtesy Entertainment

This simple tips (as stupid as they sound) will help you have the best high school years, because after all when we are done with high school no one will remember you by how popular you were. Just a taught right there. Well guy don't be stupids heads and totally fail high school because bad high school equals no college, no college equals McDonald's job, McDonald's job equal no family, no family equals loner for life. So guys if you don't want to be a loner/ failure for life do good in school. Remember to stay safe and keep updated with my blog. Peace out GIRL SCOUT.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Who Even is Francesca ?!

Greetings my name is Francesca Castellano!  I'm a fourteen year old 9th grader who wants to share her thoughts with you about the "perks" of being a teenage girl and how it is not so bad to be a teenager. Some things about me that I would like to share are that I'm really into softball, basketball, hanging with my friends, and trying to give my friends good advice that would help them find the right choice. My blog is going to be about tips on how to handle school, relationships and a guide to manage time in an effective way. This blog would pretty much just talk about anything about being a teenager and how with a positive mind you can make this years the best you've ever had. Hopefully together will be able to go into this journey and make the most of it.
Photo Creds to my grandma
This are my parents and I when I was little.

The picture above is me with my parents when we went to visit Peru during the summer of 2006. Well I was born in Italy and lived there for nine years, when I turned nine I moved to  Peru because my mom wanted my brothers and I to experience a new type of life. After when I turned ten we moved to the USA due to my dad's work being here. I'll have to admit that it was a pretty good experience but at the same time I kind off hated it. Seriously think of having to change school, friends, and language! You guys might think that it was so cool to live in all of this places but it actually wasn't. First of all having to learn a new language every single time we moved was the hardest thing ever but if you look at it in a positive way I got to learn new languages which makes me trilingual. When we moved we also had to change school which totally sucked, because I'm a really shy person and it's sooooo hard for me to make new friends. 

Some interesting things about me (well, not that interesting) are that I have two brothers an older one which all my friends think he's so "hot" and a younger one who's so "cute" ad people say, they probably just say that because they don't have to live with them. But here's a picture of us. 
Photo Creds to my mom.
A picture of my brothers and I.

If you read this whole thing I'm so sorry cause all of it was fake.......Nah just kidding it's all true. I feel so sorry for you cause right now you just read about 500 words. Well fellows this is the end of my first about me post. Have a great day and remember to stay safe!